Francisco de Goya

José de Cistué y Coll, Baron of La Menglana (José de Cistué y Coll, barón de la Menglana)

José de Cistué y Coll, Baron of La Menglana (José de Cistué y Coll, barón de la Menglana)
Datos Generales
Museo Goya. Colección Ibercaja, Zaragoza, Spain
114 x 82,5 cm
Técnica y soporte
Oil on canvas
Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
Undisputed work
Ibercaja Collection
Ficha: realización/revisión
17 Feb 2010 / 15 Jun 2023

El Illmo. Sr. Joseph Cistue ("His Most Illustrious Señor Joseph Cistue", on the letter the sitter is holding in his right hand).


It is highly likely that this portrait was made by Goya for the sitter's family at the same time as the one for the Sertoriana University in Huesca. It was acquired by Ibercaja in 1976 from Pablo Cistué de Castro and his siblings.

Análisis artístico

José Cistué y Coll, first Baron of La Menglana, was a professor at Huesca's Sertoriana University. A board of professors at the university decided to commission Goya to paint this portrait to commemorate this same appointment.

In this full-length portrait, the subject is wearing a black robe with white cuffs and magistrate's collar. In his left hand he holds a letter, whilst his right hand is hidden behind the robe. On his chest hangs the Cross of Charles III. His head is covered by a white wig. The composition bears many similarities to that of the portrait of Antonio Veyán, also commissioned by Sertoriana University and now housed in the Museum of Huesca. The subject's posture is very similar, as well as the way in which the artist has treated the light. It is possible that these two works were meant to hang next to each other, since they have exactly the same dimensions.

  • GASSIER, Pierre y WILSON, Juliet
    Vie et ouvre de Francisco de Goya
    ParísOffice du livre
    p. 99, cat. 294
    vol. I, p. 285, cat. 314
  • JARNE, Ricardo Ramón and ASCASO, Lourdes
    Un documento que autentifica un cuadro de Goya
    Boletín del Museo Camón Aznar
    pp. 21-26
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Los Sistemas Aumentativos y Alternativos de Comunicación (SAAC) son formas de expresión distintas al lenguaje hablado, que tienen como objetivo aumentar (aumentativos) y/o compensar (alternativos) las dificultades de comunicación y lenguaje de muchas personas con discapacidad. Más info: Arasaac

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