Datos Generales
- Cronología
- Ca. 1794 - 1795
- Dimensiones
- 82 x 55 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Oil on canvas
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Undisputed work
- Titular
- Private collection
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 21 Feb 2010 / 15 Jun 2023
This painting belonged to Jovellanos and has been passed down to his descendants until the present day.
Análisis artístico
Juan José de Arias (Atienza, Guadalajara, 1737 - Bustares, Guadalajara, 1811) was a close friend of Jovellanos, who - in the former's own words - was like his second father. This half-length portrait shows the subject dressed in a dark frock coat and white shirt. We can only see one of his hands, in which he is carrying a document. He is depicted against a neutral background, as is the case of the majority of Goya's portraits. Although his affable face is illuminated, he does not look directly at the viewer, which makes him seem more distant.
Francisco de Goya. IV Centenario de la capitalidadorganized by Ayuntamiento de Madrid and Dirección General de Bellas Artes at the Casón del Buen RetiroMadrid1961consultant editor Valentín de Sambriciocat. XXXVIII
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaParísOffice du livre1970p. 170, cat. 347
BarcelonaPolígrafa1970vol. I, p. 307, cat. 409
La década de los Caprichos. Retratos 1792-1804MadridReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando1992nº 38